
Things To Do When Your Cattle Get Affected With Dermatophilosis

Things To Do When Your Cattle Get Affected With Dermatophilosis

Also known as Rain Scald, Dermatophilosis (डर्माटोफिलोसिस) is a bacterial skin disease.  It is caused when your cattle get infected by the bacterium Dermatophilus congolensis.  It is important to remember, that this specific bacteria likes a warm and humid environment to live in and can affect your cattle severely leading to considerable financial loss. 

Let us understand the causes, symptoms, treatment, and prevention of this dangerous disease and join our hands with Refit Animal Care in spreading this information through this blog.

Dermatophilosis in Cattle Causes

The bacteria thrive on cattle’s skin and attack cattle ONLY when cattle’s immunity is low. Some of the following factors major role in helping bacteria to enter sheep’s and cattle’s bodies and causing dermatophilosis in sheep. 

  • Humid, wet, muddy, and warm environment is favourable for the growth of bacteria.
  • Cattle have insect bites or injury marks, through which bacteria can enter the body. 
  • Cattle with low immunity because of deficiencies in essential vitamins, proteins, amino acids, antioxidants, and minerals can be attacked easily by the bacteria.
  • Other miscellaneous factors like overcrowding, frequent transportation, unhygienic conditions, contaminated water, and calving can also affect the immune system of the cattle.

Dermatophilosis in Cattle Symptoms

  • Early symptoms include the formation of a “paintbrush” kind of appearance on the skin of the cattle.  
  • On advancement of the infection, yellow, brown, or gray color greesy scabs (पपड़ी) (a mass of dried blood that forms over a part of the body where the skin has been cut or broken) and crusts are developed on the affected skin. 
  • Bald patches are evident due to hair loss from the skin. 
  • As the stage advances, swelling near and on the affected areas can be observed.  These swollen areas become tender and are painful for the animal. 
  • Because of such open wounds on the skin, other bacterial and viral infections may also occur. 

Other symptoms include:

  • Severe weight loss.
  • Decreased milk production.
  • Dislike to feed.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Irritability and laziness.
  • Death in extreme situations.

Treatment of Dermatophilosis in Cattle

If you suspect Dermatophilosis in sheep or your cattle, the first and foremost thing you may want to do is to contact your local veterinarian. Proper methodological diagnosis and treatment are a must to cure this disease if it is in its early stages. 

The treatment plan for Dermatophilosis in cattle includes a combination of any of the following approaches:

  • Antibiotics dosage (oral, by injection, or applying topically) that are prescribed by an authorized local veterinarian. 
  • Keep the affected areas clean and dry i.e. void of humidity on the skin. 
  • Immediate provide a diet that can enhance the immunity of the cattle.  Along with a regular diet, provide cattle feed supplements that are meant to enhance or boost the immunity of the cattle.  The addition of branded, well-researched, and locally available cattle feed immunity booster supplements can be a boon to recover your cattle from this deadly disease.  
  • Refit Animal Care manufactures quality, well-accepted, and proven immunity booster feed supplements for cattle, sheep, livestock, poultry, and other animals. 
  • Ensure the area where your cattle is staying is clean, hygienic, free of humidity, and well-ventilated.  This will effectively stop the further spreading of the bacteria in the area and among the healthy flocks. 

Preventing Dermatophilosis in Cattle

Prevention has no match!  Early observation and detection of the disease can save your cattle.  

  • Regular observation of cattle.
  • Look for any scaling signs on the skin.
  • Maintain moisture and humidity in the area.
  • Provide nutritious feed and balanced diet.
  • Add cattle feed supplements which are loaded with immunity boosters.
  • Provide clean drinking water.
  • Maintain hygienic conditions in the staying area.
  • Ensure good ventilation in the area.
  • Minimize overcrowding. 

Contact Refit Animal Care for further information about the disease or even the immunity booster cattle feed supplements

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